Being Responsive To God, How Open Am I?

ph-light-for-my-pathBeing responsive to God can be easy, and sometimes not easy, and downright uncomfortable at times.

We all have situations where we wish we could have answers quickly and know that the decisions we are making are the right ones. For guidance we often ask family, friends, or counselors how they would do things if they were faced with the situation. We live in a society that has many conveniences, many self-help programs, great educational opportunities, and an instant answer at the touch of a button. Being responsive to God and His word seems to fall toward the end of our list when decisions need to be made. We want answers now, and patience is difficult for most of us when dealing with life as it moves in.

How open are you to respond to God when His timing is not yours?

He may say move ahead, wait, not now, don’t go, or don’t do that at all. God is a life-giver. God has the ability to create out of nothing. He can take our waste and recycle. It is no secret; you are alive because of a life-giving God.

Continue to ask Him, listen to Him, and seek His guidance, because He is a “world-changer.”

If you are unhappy with things in this world, chances are He is too. You are a part of this world every moment.

Go out today giving attention to the purposes of God as best you can by picking up His Best Seller, the Bible. The Bible is not a quick read. But over time it can become a user manual that can give you much insight, understanding, and guidance when things go crazy and you need some peace and calm within the storms you are facing.

Ask and be responsive to God. How open am I to…?
“… the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were.” (Romans 4:17)

How open am I to…?
“The Sovereign Lord has given me an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He awakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught.” (Isaiah 50:4)
After all, “Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” (Psalm 119:105)

Why not allow the Life-Giving God to do something new in your life?

Open both of your ears and your mind. Be responsive to God and His word and “… listen like one being taught.” God awaits your response and I know He will answer. He created the idea behind our human languages and Internet communication. Imagine that, you can always talk to God just like we do through Wi-Fi.

Being open to God and responding to His word is a choice-point that He gives freely to you 24/7.