Dr. Rick Long, MD
I grew up in the small southern Ohio town of Latham. I began working in the family general store at the age of ten. I graduated with thirty-six others from Western High School in 1966, then began college at Miami University. In 1970 I started medical school at the Ohio State University entering the first class of a three-year independent study program. In 1973 I became a member of Riverside Methodist Hospital’s first Family Practice Residency program in Columbus, Ohio. I then went into private practice here in Columbus in 1976 spending forty-one years in Family medicine and retired in July of 2017.
During my medical career along with the physical it was always important to me to share the spiritual side of life. Jeannine and her Peacefull Heart music has given me a new and special opportunity to be involved in a ministry together that encourages and uplifts as we continue to run the race here while looking forward and upward as we go.