The Sidewalk

You and I walked down the sidewalk one day, side by side.
Your hand seemed strong as You embraced my little hand.
We came to the street corner of life, with all of its turmoil, struggles, frustrations, and decisions.
You bent down and picked me up, carrying me across the intersection of the tides of life.
Once we were on the other side, you gently returned my feet to the ground so I could walk beside you in the cool of the day.
I continued to take more steps on my own as You watched me walk.

As I grew older the sidewalk ahead was uneven with areas of brokenness and shadows of the past rolling forward.
The steps of many years were invading my weary, exhausted body.
My strength withered and my feet stumbled.
Once again, as when I was a child, You bent down and picked me up and held me close.
This time You held me even more closely than before.
You held me passionately against Your heart.
As the days continued on, off in the distance, where I could barely see, I knew you were there as before, still carrying me as my body slowly began to lose its life breath.
Now I am resting in Your arms as once before, as a child on earth.
You are carrying me home, down the sidewalk of life.
Fearing not.
Step by step.
Moment by moment.
The steps of my life were loved by Your heart, side by side, and in your arms, down the sidewalk of life.

“If the Lord delights in a man’s way, He makes his steps firm;
though he stumbles, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with His hand.” Psalm 37:23-24