Lord, here I am again…

Today I sit here once again with my heart in Your hand, asking for things You have assured me of.
You already know my list, but my heart wishes to speak the words from my mouth to Your ears.
I pray for Your love, grace, encouragement, care and healing hope in this brand-new day filled with opportunity.

I noticed so many unmet needs around me needing Your assurance through the dark threads of this day-to-day living we call life.

Thank you for hearing my thoughts in prayer and for the effort and solutions you provide through Your word.

Amazingly, as I witness the unfolding “by faith” with Your attention and divine wisdom, I sense You drawing us through today’s decisions and opportunities.
I love serving You in prayer this day; show us the way with Your love and Your “will be done.”
Today, I want to help others to know that You care and are there in everything we experience in thoughts, words, and the steps we take.

“Praying always…

P.S.   To the one who is reading this prayer right now, it is not a coincidence.
I know you are getting ready to head back into your normal routine, but I hope this moment of silence will help you attempt great things and allow the mistakes of all yesterdays to fade.
Be blessed and God loves you.