Win-Win Situation

We have one life to live on this earth. Life’s pressures and demands have a life of their own, controlling to a degree our daily reactions. Life will never stop being troublesome, difficult, and tough. You are aware of this. You have a choice whether or not to allow life’s pressures and demands to dominate and determine, wiping out your chance to make effective choices. You can be your best and give full energies within many areas of your life. You will need a foundation to make visible positive movement in thought, word, and action.

Is it time for you to start living?

Do you need to check what motivates you and overloads your time?

Long ago I learned a small little scripture from Psalm 119:105, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” When my nephew Kyle was a little boy, he went to a Sunday school class and made a little wooden candleholder that had Psalm 119:105 written on it by his small hand. He gave it to me as a gift one day. It now resides in my prayer room on a shelf. The candleholder is one of my treasures here on this earth.

Psalm 119:105 has some family roots attached to it, as you can tell. There are a few keywords identifying helpful, valuable, and useful paths of thought and actions we can all take hold of. Though perfection isn’t part of this life, with God’s word as a counselor, we have a direction that eases our journey. You can make guiltless choices and achieve a good life with whatever pressures and demands invade your day, family, relationships, and decisions.

Think about what patterns in your daily schedule cause you overload and stress?

Let’s explore this verse from Psalm 119:105 and find some rest and contentment so that we do not lose hope.
“God’s word is a lamp…” for your life and for what is important in your daily schedule and future goals. A lamp is a container for producing light or heat. There are numerous types of lamps: oil, gas, electric, halogen, fluorescent, and many more. God’s use of this analogy can and will lead you to more functional and habitual ways of illuminating truth in matters of life.

“Your word is a lamp to my feet” gives us a true picture of life’s pressures and demands. If we don’t walk in the word of God using His word as a method system, we will fall prey to that which is often called its darkness. That darkness has a life of its own without a lamp or light to direct your steps, which will cause you to take many wrong paths. We get so caught up in what the head needs, but your feet need even more direction. Haven’t you heard the phrase “Where the eye goes there goes the feet too”? Why? Because the eye and feet are of one body, just like your thoughts/decisions and feet are of one body. If your thoughts/decisions and feet go in the wrong direction, you will lose both. You will fall into a ditch, such as a place dug into the earth, or a place of despair, feeling abandoned and discarded, to the point where life seems hopeless and very dark. Not a very good “ditch” whichever way you choose to define it.

“A light for my path,” a reference by God’s word, is a form of radiant energy, making sight possible amid the pressures and demands of our daily life. God’s light can unburden you and reduce your load, uplift you and help you shift or change your negative direction. Visibly seeing your steps guided by God’s light on the road you are traveling will help with indecision, anxiety, and circumstances that are uncomfortable. If you continue on the same old paths, your detours will sooner or later lead you into decisions that will cause you to stumble. The word of God can give you heavenly knowledge, leading you to decisions that will bring you resolutions and a peacefull heart. A way worn by footsteps of pressures, the demands of shame, guilt, and despair laced with bad choices, can be rerouted, as though from Siri on our iPhone.

God is your G.P.N.S. – God’s Personal Navigation Source – directing your life’s choices with His Word being a lamp to your feet and a light for your path. No matter the trail, path, street, avenue, lane, alley, country road, highway, or freeway, you can have an amazing day filled with brilliant joys living and maintaining good decisions through God’s light.
Win-Win Situation –
G.P.N.S. + His Word + His Lamp + His Light = Resolution and a Peacefull Heart.
Make this day count… live life to the fullest.