Walk Into The River

The inspiration for this writing “Walk Into The River,” is actually the title to one of my original musical compositions. As you read the lyrics, may the River of Life Giving Water from God continue to provide healing and love to your body and soul.

We will all go through many stages of life experiences. God has promised us His grace, mercy and love to endure ankle, knee-deep, waist level, and or raging river currents through out the stages of life experiences. All of the above stages are training grounds and will educate you and provide a unique school that only God could instruct. May you continue to use the lyrics of this piece to help guide you through your own life experiences, and remember that it is one of God’s ways of revealing Himself.

Shadows will turn to the past.

Your wings will soar as in Isaiah 40:31 which says,
“… But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
They will run and not grow weary,
They will walk and not faint.”


Lyrics to the song “Walk Into The River

Verse 1 –
There is a sweet Spirit within these walls.
Oh precious Jesus, You are near.
Our love we offer, to sacrifice our hearts, to lay before Your throne.

Chorus –
Walk into the river,
Walk into the river,
Walk into the river,
The river of living water.

Verse 2 –
Lead all of us and forgive us, Father.
Move our lives with You, Holy Spirit of God.
Hide Your face from my sins, blot out all my iniquity.

Chorus –
Walk into the river,
Walk into the river,
Walk into the river,
The river of living water.

Verse 3 –
There are times of sweet surrender,
And love that abounds more and more each day.
Father, God, take me to Your arms of heavenly light.
“Let me hear joy and gladness.
Let the bones You have crushed rejoice,” rejoice, rejoice, my God.

Verse 4 –
“Create in me a pure heart, O God,
And renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Do not cast me from Your presence,
Or take Your Holy Spirit from me.”

Chorus –
Walk into the river,
Walk into the river,
Walk into the river,
The river of living water.

Lyric inspirations from The Holy Bible:
Ezekiel 47:1-12
Psalm 51:8-11
John 4:10
Revelation 22

Thank you Father, for the soul experiences You provide through Your training ground.
Praying for those who read this that they will walk into the River of Life with You.

I know! Jesus, You go before me.