A Place of Quiet

Have you ever longed for “a place of quiet” where you can be yourself and briefly hit the pause button to gain a sense of peace and encouragement for your mind, heart, and body? Just reading or hearing the words “a place of quiet” could and should send your thoughts...

Too Much of Busy

Have you ever been confronted with so many daily problems that you feel there is “too much of busy” on your to-do list? As the day pushes on, you become tired and weary because of the struggles going on around you. You become overburdened and overwhelmed. You try to...

Did You Know?

God knows you personally by name. You have found favor, loving-kindness, and mercy in His sight. If you are going through stressful times, or difficult decisions, fear of the unknowns, strain, pulled into pieces with relationships, worried, panic attacks, dread, and...

Reasonable Normal

The other day I was journaling and wrote down: “I would like to have a normal life. I wonder what that would look like?” I decided to go on a search for a normal life . . . a reasonable normal life. A life consisting of less stress, frustration, feeling overwhelmed,...

Hope or Despair

The connection between hope and despair is close and meaningful in our daily living. Both hope and despair are very powerful concepts that affect our daily routines and choices and future steps. Hope can give us energy, whereas despair will zap the energy right out...