Delight in Your Journey

“Delight yourself (insert your name here) in the Lord; and He will give you (your name) the desires of your heart.” From Psalm 37:4 Thinking about the above words, I thought about the word delight and it’s meaning. When one delights him or herself in something...

Walk Into The River

The inspiration for this writing “Walk Into The River,” is actually the title to one of my original musical compositions. As you read the lyrics, may the River of Life Giving Water from God continue to provide healing and love to your body and soul. We will all go...

Win-Win Situation

We have one life to live on this earth. Life’s pressures and demands have a life of their own, controlling to a degree our daily reactions. Life will never stop being troublesome, difficult, and tough. You are aware of this. You have a choice whether or not to allow...

Lord, here I am again…

Today I sit here once again with my heart in Your hand, asking for things You have assured me of. You already know my list, but my heart wishes to speak the words from my mouth to Your ears. I pray for Your love, grace, encouragement, care and healing hope in this...

The Sidewalk

You and I walked down the sidewalk one day, side by side. Your hand seemed strong as You embraced my little hand. We came to the street corner of life, with all of its turmoil, struggles, frustrations, and decisions. You bent down and picked me up, carrying me across...