The Big Yellow School Bus

Looking out my parents’ bathroom window, I could see the school bus off in the distance. It was my responsibility to watch for the school bus and get ready to board it. When the school bus reached the top of the hill, I knew I had to run as fast as I could through the...

The Future Is A Friend

Uneasy…Content. Exhausted…Strong. Done In…Energized. “Forgetting the former things; Do not dwell on the past. See, I Am doing a new thing!” — Isaiah 43:18-19   Day to day and year to year we so often burden ourselves with memories that can undermine a successful...

Can You Make A Difference?

How many of us have taken the time to think about the innocence of a child? Children always seem to be so alive, so energetic, see no obstacles, and sense no problem too difficult to explore. Their thought patterns are not constantly being overwhelmed with...

Being Responsive To God, How Open Am I?

Being responsive to God can be easy, and sometimes not easy, and downright uncomfortable at times. We all have situations where we wish we could have answers quickly and know that the decisions we are making are the right ones. For guidance we often ask family,...

The Red Balloon Smile

One day Mom and I went to the grocery store. This was a very special grocery store, which I looked forward to going to. We walked in the door, and over to my left was a stand filled with treats for kids. Balloons were tied to the stand so they would not fly away. A...