Can You Make A Difference?

How many of us have taken the time to think about the innocence of a child?

Children always seem to be so alive, so energetic, see no obstacles, and sense no problem too difficult to explore. Their thought patterns are not constantly being overwhelmed with busy-busy-busy, or being attacked by negatives, pressures, or fear. Children do not seem to play with the idea of “I can’t” or “This will be impossible.” Children seem to have a built-in belief system from birth that trusts, has faith in just about anything, and accepts the joys of the day as being a natural state of living. This innocent, built-in encouragement of thoughts seems to give children the power to truly say, “I love life and do not fear what may lie ahead. Let’s explore!”

Every one of us was once a child. Yet few of us remember what it was like when we were children. Try to recall this part of your life carefully. You lived in a mindset where everything was pretty much possible.

In the movie The Wizard of Oz, the characters possessed a childlike belief in the great Wizard of Oz, who could give them new direction, hope, courage, joy, and love. If the characters could just reach the Wizard of Oz, all things could be made brand-new. Regardless of the obstacles they faced as they made their way to the Land of Oz, they had hope ahead of them. They never gave in to fear, pressures, or insecurities. They had to find the Yellow Brick Road to Oz, which would lead them to their real destiny. The destiny they were to experience that one day would awaken the dream inside of them.

Much like when we were children, people in our lives, like the Wizard of Oz, encouraged us with words of praise. “Take one more step, you can do it. Look, my arms are stretched out to catch you if you fall. Now, just try…to walk.” As we grew we began accumulating abilities and talents in so many areas, experiencing and trying out new ways to open doors. We were successful in so many ways because we had a desire in our hearts, placed there by God, and a delight in a wonderful world to explore.

Pause a moment and try to recall a time in your life when you were a child. Remember this precious child that you were and still are.

You have been given the gift of life, and living on this earth is a wonderful power deep down in your soul. You have had the ability to think and realize a developed and refined point of living, as only God can give. Now you can better understand and reflect upon life and be a better human being, if you choose to be. Gradually you have developed from a child who traveled the Yellow Brick Road, looking for new direction, hope, courage, joy and love, to a person who can and will make a difference here on this earth.

You are not an accident.

You have real purpose, and God has given you a plan to make a difference every step of the way. Through this deep understanding of your life’s journey as it is now, you have great potential to make a difference. Truly you do.

You have many abilities – from your day of birth, when I created you – that have seen you through to this day, as you read this letter.

You didn’t know this was a letter? It is and it was written especially with you in mind by Me, your loving heavenly Father, who gives you many encouraging words of hope, joy, and love. I Am here whenever you call on My Name. Even if you do not know My Name I can see your heart and can hear your thoughts. I created you and formed you in your mother’s womb. My name is Jesus, if you are wondering. Would you like to make a difference in someone’s life? Or maybe just change some things in yours? Let’s explore as you did as a child. Come on and follow Me. It’s not all that difficult. Don’t forget that I Am here to strengthen you and pick you up when you fall or become weary. I will give you a life with purpose and one that CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

Now, just try…and let’s walk together.

Love, God

“BE ANXIOUS FOR NOTHING, but in everything by prayer and requests with thanksgiving let your requests be known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” — Philippians 4:6-7