Delight in Your Journey

“Delight yourself (insert your name here) in the Lord; and He will give you (your name) the desires of your heart.”
From Psalm 37:4

Thinking about the above words, I thought about the word delight and it’s meaning. When one delights him or herself in something or someone, they find great pleasure, enjoyment and happiness. Who wouldn’t want to delight themselves in something or someone who can give an expression of joy and pleasure.

How about you (your name)? Would finding this form of delight that God intended for your journey be of any interest to you (your name)?

Looking for this type of delight on your journey will take some time and effort. But as your day to day living moves in, the delight from God will be life sustaining and will give you strength in areas you never expected to have endurance in. Along the way we will have to make choices as to what forms of delight we would like to experience. We can look to God, the world, and/or choose some of both according to our circumstances and desires.

I would like to add one point of caution as you daily choose and make decisions on what delights you. You must be watchful and on alert because things that God intended for good can be disguised by evil and be very deceptive. Kinda like the Little Red Riding Hood story from our childhood. The wolf in the story was deceptive and pretended to be good. Also, you have heard the comment, “he or she is like a wolf in sheep’s clothing.” I am sure you get my cautionary point.

Often I have journaled and thought about Psalm 37:4 and interjected my name personally into the scripture. In doing so, I have gained insights for the day’s activities concerning people and things on my agenda/planner book. This leads me to writing down thoughts that I am thankful for and also have concerns about.

An example of this in real time is from where I am writing this blog to you. I am sitting in what I call my prayer room which has an old wooden desk that sits alongside a set of windows looking toward the east. I can see a beautiful sky with fluffy clouds of varying colors of blue, white and gray. The trees have a cheerful budding of their new Spring leaves. There is a breeze that is moving the leaves making them look like they are dancing with each other. And yes, the birds are singing many melodies all in harmonies and rhythms that give life to the air I breathe as I write this blog to you.

Finding a simple but realistic delight in one’s surroundings is good medicine for your mind, heart and soul. Try delighting this day (your name) in something God has made for you, giving you a desire that God placed in your heart long ago before the foundations of the earth. God is good and as you delight yourself in the goodness of God, I believe you will find out the ways of God’s delight and desire to go that way too.

Praying you delight in your journey!