I Am Anxious About______?

Present your Requests to God - Philippians 4:6

Have you experienced the web of anxiety which leads one’s life-path to worry and fear the unknowns of the day at hand and into the future?

Anxiety and it’s relatives of worry, fear, and mountain size problems will steal away living in real time. It is not easy to open up our heart’s that are anxious, and bear the real-raw us to others and even God. We have a tendency to continually resort to our own strengths and the “me, myself, and I” mode to figure things out. But as we try in our own strength to untangle the web of anxiety, the situations sometimes present themselves with much frustration and over-whelming thoughts. We can bury ourselves beneath such anxious thoughts and drown in discouragement, hopelessness, and the “just give up” mentality.
God says – “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God.” (Philippians 4:6)
“But…” we say life does not work out to not be anxious about certain things. The pace of life is anxious at it’s best and causes the attitude of uneasiness to lead us into the ” web,” thought by thought, step by step.
Once in the web of anxiety, the preposition of “but…” is real and does cause a loss of real time. Anxious hindrances bombard our thoughts and steps. One key that could free us from the web of anxiety is where and how we place our focus: My focus versus God focus and His Word would unlock the door of anxiety to a peace beyond our understanding.
I Am Anxious About______?
Praying you will allow God to speak to your anxious thoughts that so easily entangle you.
Know He is always available and ready to lead, guide, and restore your anxious thoughts with His heart of Love and fullness of Peace.
“Present your requests to God,” not a bad idea… a Peacefull Heart is a promise beyond the bounds of this earth.