The Future Is A Friend



Done In…Energized.

“Forgetting the former things; Do not dwell on the past. See, I Am doing a new thing!” — Isaiah 43:18-19


Day to day and year to year we so often burden ourselves with memories that can undermine a successful day ahead. The past can still hurt, with unfulfilled hopes waiting in the wings. Pain sure has its way of causing reactions, repeatedly moving us into hallways that seem to have the latch on the outside of the door, shutting us in with all these memories and challenges.

Looking back, we have all had a number of days that have propelled us forward. We consider those days to be good days. Right? But maybe the good days were not really so good, and the bad days were actually stretching us toward a future who would become our friend.

The difference between today and tomorrow is what is inside you.

Your daily routines will be uplifting if you embrace “forgetting the former things,” if you “do not dwell on the past,” and you allow God to do a new thing in your life. God has promised to be the healer of hurting memories and restore us by filling our unfulfilled hopes with His Hope. Carrying your past forward will block His efforts to restore your heart, mind, and soul.

Would you like to have unhealed memories restored with peace, love, joy, and new things?

Take a moment to think about relationships or new things that inspire your imagination. Ask God to paint a picture in your mind, give you guidance, and show you that the impossible can be possible. A new thing, formed into hope, excited about the future, as your friend. Day to day, year to year, allow God to revive you with His thoughts and vision, because your best days are ahead of you.

The future is your friend.

Fear not.

What a friend we have in Jesus.