The Red Balloon Smile

ph-relive-red-balloonOne day Mom and I went to the grocery store. This was a very special grocery store, which I looked forward to going to. We walked in the door, and over to my left was a stand filled with treats for kids. Balloons were tied to the stand so they would not fly away. A sign above the stand read, “Treasure Chest.”
My Mom told me that if I was good while she shopped, and did not run off or ask for things down each aisle, that when we left, I could go to the Treasure Chest and choose an apple, banana, or orange, a coloring book, and a balloon.

The assignment of being good, obeying Mom, and not fussing all through the store was a bit troublesome for me. I saw so many enticing things that I wanted to ask for – and even thought I should be allowed to have. One thing I did do was to ask Mom, “How much longer till we can go to the Treasure Chest?” She smiled and assured me we were almost there and that I was doing a good job of listening to her and helping her get our groceries.

Finally, we headed to the checkout counter. From this area in the store I could see the Treasure Chest.
I remember trying my hardest to do all I was told by my Mom, and I could hardly wait to get my treats.
As we unloaded the groceries on the conveyor belt, I had the biggest smile on my face. Even the cashier remarked about my smile. I told her that when Mom and I were leaving the store I would get to go over to the Treasure Chest and get something to take home. She asked me what color balloon I was going to choose. I said, “Red, so I can see it really well.” I told her that sometimes balloons got loose and went flying high in the sky. If that happened, I wanted to be able to see it as long as I could as it flew to heaven. I got my apple, coloring book, and bigger-than-life red balloon. The cashier tied the red balloon around my wrist. I felt as if I had new tennis shoes on, and my smile wrapped around my face.

The smile of that child still remains in my heart as I remember the long-ago day of the Treasure Chest apple, coloring book, and bigger-than-life red balloon.


Take a moment and sit quietly.
Close your eyes and find a Treasure Chest memory of your past.
Don’t peek.
Keep your eyes closed.
Be still.
Got it … ?
As you pause in this moment of real-time, breathe deep and open your eyes and watch your bigger-than-life red balloon appear in your mind. Keep looking at it with your eyes closed. Keep remembering the joy of your heart and the smile that wrapped around your face.

Moments like this will give you new beginnings to enjoy when life moves in and seems to usher in some ouches. There are those times when the red balloon becomes loosened and unties from your wrist, and you watch it fly up to heaven. But know that your red balloon is safe and it is waiting for you.

Thank you, God, for my Treasure Chest of gifts and experiences from heaven. I will continue to look up with a grateful heart as I peer through the windows of heaven and see a room filled with bigger-than-life red balloons.
To live in__________ (fill in the blank)
No matter what__________
Know God loves you!
Remember joy__________
When many things seem__________
You can find a red balloon that was designed by God and find peace, hope, and joy.
Just ask Him for a red balloon smile.
Remember to close your eyes, sit quietly and think back …
I bet you are smiling right now 🙂

“This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24