Have you ever been confronted with so many daily problems that you feel there is “too much of busy” on your to-do list? As the day pushes on, you become tired and weary because of the struggles going on around you. You become overburdened and overwhelmed. You try to hold on to a positive attitude to face the challenges of the day. You pray; you factor in God’s presence and strength in the analysis of the impossible before you. When you talk with other people about their lives, they too have busy schedules that almost don’t leave enough time to sleep.
A question I would like to propose is: How can one handle life with less stress and busyness? I am not talking about not facing the day and its hectic situations. I am simply looking for inner rest on a daily basis to help us find joy and peace regardless the situations around us.
I would like to offer a few practical ways that might give us a breakthrough and help balance out the day. Maybe we can try a few of these suggestions and find joy and peace in our daily lives:
– Linger a little longer in prayer.
– Believe that your attitude can replace the word “busyness” with “manageable opportunities ahead of me.”
– Be assured of God’s sovereignty to balance your attitude with enthusiasm.
– “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13)
– Don’t look for the “I can do!” self-generated focus; instead, look for “God, who is able and willing to help you do!”
– You can plan and accomplish today by infusing hope so that fear and anxiety won’t cripple you.
– Stress just happens, but your focus has to move you forward. Do not allow too much busyness in your schedule to control you. Forward movement with consciousness will give you a fresh flow of energy and will lift you up to the possibilities of progress.
– Go for a walk.
– Enjoy a hobby.
– Listen to your favorite music.
– Spend time with family or a close friend.
– Write down your thoughts in a journal.
– When circumstances and situations surround you, be totally honest with yourself and open yourself to God’s power to transform you. God will give you realism and vision even in fatiguing, hectic situations.
– “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but be a new and different person with a fresh newness in all you do and think.” (Romans 12:2)
– Try moving from “too much of busy” – with all of its distractions – to polishing your problems in time of prayer and solitude. This can bring healing and hope into your relationships and responsibilities of today.
Thinking about some of the above practical ways of less “busy” and more “living today with balance,” try accepting yourself, allowing God over time to give you exactly what you need. You never read in the Bible that Jesus was running to His next appointment or was late for the occasion. He was always on time, had time to stop along the way, and still got the needs of the day accomplished in a sensitive and caring manner.
In this quiet moment as we together ask God to help us, we will thank Him for His life in ours, and give thanks for all He is doing and going to do to strengthen, affirm, love, and balance out our hectic “too much of busy” schedules and lives. We are asking Him to intervene to give us exactly what we need. His plan will guide us so that there will be respites of joy and peace.
“Too much of busy” and distractions will steal away our privilege of friendship with God. God made this day for you. Take a hold of this day and know the source of joy and peace, and truly have a great day.
Think about it: God has a plan for you today. You don’t want to miss it. Ask God to surprise you today. I know He will.
In the silence of my closing thoughts, God, I ask that the person who is reading these words will hear You in their thinking brain. Help them to listen and take steps today to never give up and to always attempt great things through You, to mount up with wings like eagles and soar in the jet stream right where they are. Today is the day for “too much of busy” to give way to “moving in a positive dynamic direction toward Your joy and peace.” It’s going to be a wonderful day!
[Add your name here] ________________________, Trust Me. I have everything under control. ~ Jesus